September 15

Ribs, Pulled Pork, and Brisket on the Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker


Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

In this story, I fired my Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker to cook a small brisket, two pork butts, and four racks of baby back ribs. Keep scrolling for a whole bunch of tasty photos from this cook...

Smoked Briskets, Pork Butts and Baby Back Ribs
Prepping Brisket
Prepping Brisket
Prepping Brisket

The brisket was a small CAB (Certified Angus Beef) Brisket from Weis somewhere around 9 pounds.

Prepping Pork Butts

The pork butts and ribs were Swift Premium brand.

Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

I used Chef's Select 100% hardwood charcoal briquettes, leaving enough room in the basket for a split of hickory wood. 

Firebox Charcoal on Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

I used a couple fire starter matches to light the charcoal.

Firing Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

The BX25 Smoker is coming up to temperature.

Firing Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker
Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

The BX25 Smoker is ready to roll!

Smoking Briskets, Pork Butts and Baby Back Ribs on Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

Here I've got the smoker loaded with pork butts, a small brisket, and four racks of baby back ribs.

Baby Back Ribs on Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

Looking good!

Briskets on Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

The brisket

Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

It was a nice day to puff smoke.

Smoking Briskets, Pork Butts and Baby Back Ribs on Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

Coming along very nicely.

Baby Back Ribs on Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

A beautiful rack of ribs

Smoked Baby Back Ribs
Wrapping Smoked Baby Back Ribs

Ribs ready to wrap

Wrapping Smoked Brisket

Brisket ready to wrap

Wrapping Smoked Pork Butt

Pork butt ready to wrap

Wrapped Briskets, Pork Butts and Baby Back Ribs on Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

Everything wrapped in foil and back on the smoker

Smoked Baby Back Ribs

Ribs out of the foil and sauced with Sweet Baby Ray's

Smoked Briskets, Pork Butts and Baby Back Ribs on Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker

Ribs back on the smoker to set the sauce a bit

Smoked Baby Back Ribs

Ribs ready to rest

Smoked Baby Back Ribs
Smoked Baby Back Ribs

We wrapped the ribs in plastic wrap for a rest in my empty ice chest until we were ready to eat. I kept the brisket and butts wrapped in foil until dinnertime. Everything went into the cooler to rest until it was time to eat.

Sliced Baby Back Ribs

The ribs were a bit overcooked to my liking. Not my best ever, yet delicious!

Smoked Brisket
Smoked Brisket

Brisket ready to serve

Sliced Brisket

I still have a lot to learn for perfecting my brisket. It was okay but certainly nothing amazing. I always have trouble with the flat drying out before the point is ready, but my guests seemed to enjoy it.

Smoked Pork Butt
Smoked Pork Butt
Pulled Pork Butts

Tender, juicy pulled pork!

Pulled Pork Butts

Good eating!

The first pork butt we pulled for dinner was great but part of it was less tender than I wanted it. The next one was in the chest for an extra hour or so and by the time I took it out to cool for leftovers, it was perfectly tender and juicy.

Smoked Briskets, Pork Butts and Baby Back Ribs

The Meadow Creek BX25 Box Smoker is perfect for backyard use with enough room to feed a small crowd. It is efficient, easy to run, and has a compact footprint. You can even smoke with or without water to suit your cooking style.

Pellet smokers are quite popular right now, and have always been more convenient than charcoal smokers, but the BX25 and BX50 smokers are possibly the easiest way to crank out award-winning barbecue while maintaining the rich tradition of cooking with hardwood charcoal and wood.


bbq smokers, box smokers, bx25 smoker, pulled pork, smoked brisket, smoked ribs

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  1. Usually I find that a smaller brisket is drier because it has less fat content in the actual meat, so I will inject them ( with the grain) with a beef broth to infuse that moisture that it needs. Then I massage it and let it rest to help it hold that moisture from the broth, maybe for an hour before I put my rub on it. I usually then let it rest longer to re absorb the au jus .
    I also use less salt in my rub with smaller briskets to keep them from drying out; and when I trim the fat, I tend to leave some thin strip on the thinner area of the meat for a natural basting scoring it for the rub to be infused.

    Finding that sweet spot of a smoker takes time and trial, but aint that the fun of smoking in the first place?
    Keep the articles coming!

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