Monthly Archives: September 2017


3 Briskets, 2 Butts, and 1… Big Black

The falling leaves and the changing colors in my yard tell me that autumn is already here. How can this be? Summer is up in smoke and has left me wishing for at least a little more, so I thought I’d share a little summer throwback with you—this late spring cook on Big Black with 3 beef briskets and 2 pork butts.

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Elk Ribs and Water Buffalo Tri-Tip on the Meadow Creek BBQ60G Grill

Even though the Flat Top grills don’t draw as much attention as the more exciting models, such as Big Black and the BX smokers, they do fill a special place in the Meadow Creek family. They are designed specifically for direct heat grilling—and they are excellent at it, even at scale. Check out this wild game cook on the BBQ60G to see how impressive these are.

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